This page contains rules related to our unmodded Arma Reforger servers, which currently is Server #5 & #6 (Conflict: Vanilla). Our modded servers all contain the full server rules (both gameplay and conduct rules) within the Field Manual which you can access while in the respective server. Rules may different between servers, except for our “conduct” rules.
Please be sure to visit our Discord server to submit any Violation Reports in our #conflict-resolution channel. Please include as much information as it requests. This is a great way to ensure we take swift action, especially if admins are not online. In these circumstances, players may use votekick for temp bans of disruptive players.
No Disrespectful or Racist Conduct
All players shall ensure they are respectful and courteous to all players. We do not tolerate hostile and/or toxic conduct from players, or the directed use of obscene or racist language towards other players. This is the quickest way to be banned from our servers and is a much bigger issue compared to players who are not as skilled or even those who intentionally TK. We strive for a respectful, mature, and non-toxic environment.
Do not repeatedly argue or criticize admins (moderators / GM’s), or argue about our established rules generally, including in voice chat or in text chat. This also goes for using any public chat channels within our Discord (you’ll be banned from Discord and unable to appeal game bans).
Doing so only adds to the tension and makes the job hard for our conflict resolution team. Administration, especially on a Vanilla server without any admin mod tools, requires a lot of selfless work.
Team Killing Always Prohibited
All intentional team killing of other players is strictly prohibited. This also includes any revenge or preventative TKing and such players engaging in such TKing are also subject to being banned. This ensures the issues do not esculate, and while players may loose some things, they are replaceable. Simply allow others to do what they will do and we will take swift action.
Do not intentionally shoot or do other harm to friendly players. Always ensure you PID targets as excessive accidental TKing may result in temp bans.
No Vote Kicking when Admins Online
Vote Kicking is not allowed when admins are online. If you are unsure, ask. Please also ensure that you submit a Violation Report on our Discord server. See the #conflict-resolution channel
Voice Chat Usage
PLATOON FREQS & BREVITY: Players should do their best to organize into squads and utilize their squad frequencies. Excessive and needless communication is not allowed on the Platoon frequency, including giving play by plays or when needing to talk with your local squad. Please switch squads when working with a few other players to take objectives, etc. ADMINS ARE EXEMPT WHEN GIVING ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR COMMUNICATING TO HANDLE SERVER VIOLATIONS AMONG PLAYERS, SO DO NOT ARGUE OR TELL THEM TO SHUTUP OR YOU MAY FIND YOURSELF KICKED/BANNED
BROADCASTING MUSIC: Players are not permitted to broadcast any music or other third-party content on any radio frequencies. Players may do this on a very limited basis in local chat only, and when away from bases or larger groups unless any player requests them to stop. These issues can cause problems for Streamers by causing copyright strikes and we frequently have streamers on our servers.
Pilot & Aircraft Rules
Piloting requires that you have full voice comms. This means you can transmit, and receive. Pilots are also required to be competent, meaning first-time or new pilots should not practice on the server. Instead practice in single player using GM. Pilots who intentionally crash their helicopters for the purpose of killing friendlies, especially without their permission, is not allowed.
Asking Admins to Abuse Gamemaster
Do not continue to ask admins to spawn in vehicles, teleport you or others, or do anything that would constitute unfair play. Persisting to ask admins to do this is disruptive.