Invite-Only Server Request Form

Arma Reforger – Invite Only Server Request
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This form is intended for those to request an invite to our restricted Arma Reforger Conflict server. The intention to to review players before they are provided access, filtering the issues caused by toxic and griefing players which we encounter on our public servers.

MEMBERS OF INTEGRITY GAMING DO NOT NEED TO SUBMIT THIS FORM. They are however required to comply with all the same rules and expectations.


We need this in order to send confirmation results and server information to you. This information is not shared with any third-parties.
Must match EXACTLY to your in-game name so we can search and obtain your unique player ID. If you have any block special characters you may omit them, but we may need to contact you if we can not find any record for your profile.
The platform for which your account is tied to.
This is your actual username, not your nickname.
If it does not match please post in #discord-help channel requesting a member of our staff update your nickname (only affects how you appear on the IG Discord). Content creators who provide us with their profile in the next
Age Verification
This is required to ensure compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).